Le Paw Spa pet grooming

Le Paw Spa pet grooming


Our policies

Le paw spa policies

Below you will find our policies and procedures. Please review these carefully to ensure we will be a good fit. 

Pickup/drop off

We book our appointments with your pets comfort in mind, and we block off enough time to complete your pets groom before our next appointment arrives. We ask that clients drop off at your scheduled appointment time. 

We offer a strict 15 minute late drop off grace period before we will need to reschedule your appointment, as it now will run into the next clients time. Please give us a call if you need to arrange an early drop off or may be running late. 

We ask that all pets are picked up within the hour of completion to avoid late pickup fees.

After hours pickup will result in a 40 dollar fee. 

Missed Appointments/ no shows

Our system gives a reminder of your scheduled appointment twice. Once the appointment is booked, and a day prior. Both of these reminders give you the option to cancel your appointment. We can also be called/text on our buisness line 719-574-8976.  

A no show is when a client doesn't show to their appointment and gives no notice. Since we assigned and reserved that time specifically for that clients pet, not giving us notice means loss of income as well as the inability to fill that time spot. This is devestating for a small buisness and 50% of the groom price will be collected before we can rebook your pet. Please give us the courtesy of filling your appointment time if you cannot make it.

Late cancellations:

We understand that things come up, and life happens. We are always happy to work with you on rescheduling. Frequent same day reshedules may result in a deposit to rebook an appointment. 


We require all dogs and cats over 6 months to be current on rabies.  

Refusal of services

We strive to complete your groom in the safest manner possible. If we cannot complete a groom due to behavior,medical issues/infestation or matting, we will halt the groom and notify the pet parent. We are working on living animals and sometimes the most humane thing to do is stop and send them home. We will always make an effort to comminicate with the pet parent.

Matted pets

Matting is an extremly painful condition where the fur knots up. In severe cases, our only option is to shave the coat down and start over. Owners are always notified before we proceed with shaving the coat down. In the case the pet parent wants a second opinion, the groom will be canceled to allow for that. Le paw spa will not demat your pet.

Use of photos

We love to show off our clients! 

Please let us know if you are not comfortable with us using images of your pets in advertisments or social media.