Le paw spa pet grooming

Le paw spa pet grooming



Meet the groomers!

We source groomers who are not only educated on various breed styles and trims, but groomers who have a true passion for animals. Meet our fantastic staff!


Natasha is the owner of Le Paw Spa grooming.

She has been working with animals since she could hold a leash. Natasha has been a professional pet groomer for over 18 years and loves to build lasting relationships with her clients. She specializes in rare breeds and hand stripping.

When not grooming in the salon, she is surrounded by her cane corso mastiffs and pomeranians and competing in obedience, or showing.  


Dominque comes with a wealth of knowledge about not only grooming, but canine behavior! She is especially fond of doodle type coats. Dominique is always willing to go the extra mile for her clients and it shows through! 

In her free time, she is competing with her dogs in various sports and her french bulldog (oogie) is usually with her!